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Homeland Security

The Police and the new office of Homeland Security will be assigned the responsibility of undertaking “the first duty of the government, to maintain law and order, so that the life, property and religious beliefs of its subjects are fully protected by the State” (M.A. Jinnah, August 11, 1948).

From cyber warfare to devastating floods to drug trafficking to suicide bombers and threat to transportation and infrastructure, all hazards currently fall within the purview of Homeland Security.

Our homeland security team outlines the risks that Pakistan faces today and the structures we need to put in place to deal with them and how prepared these structures are for mitigating, managing, and recovering from emergencies and disasters.

In the current landscape of burgeoning and unemployed population, terrorism, rising crime, massive drug problem, intolerance towards minorities, the rights issues and increased police high handedness, criminal justice organizations face challenges greater than ever before. Yet, much remains unchanged since colonial times.

Our party believes that the law enforcement agencies ought to serve people; they must operate efficiently, productively and at the local level. Our team engages in innovative ways of addressing ongoing issues faced by criminal justice system, questioning traditional methods and practices, taking a big picture perspective on law enforcement in Pakistan, how law enforcement agencies relate to one another and the entire criminal justice system.

We emphasize linkages across law enforcement jurisdictions and ways to develop a coordinated approach to information sharing and strategy development. We are particularly concerned about human rights abuses and police accountability.

Our party seeks the role of businesses, academia, and the private sector in confronting terrorism and natural disasters and in understanding how intelligence is so crucial to homeland security responsibilities.