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Agriculture and Food

With yields consistently below international and regional levels for decades, Pakistan’s already under-performing agriculture sector faces another unprecedented challenge to its productivity and profitability due to the climate change phenomenon. Weather variations, drought, and flooding create the most obvious damage, but hot summers, warmer winters, longer growing seasons, and other environmental changes are causing devastating effects on crops and livestock. For sustained production of food, fiber, and fuel well into the twenty-first century, we must begin NOW to make policy changes that will enhance the adaptive capacity and resilience of Pakistan’s agriculture.

Pakistan Freedom Movement’s agricultural strategies are designed around latest science on climate risk, and climate change adaptation. These strategies will ensure sustained biodiversity and secure food production for a growing Pakistani population, despite rapid climate change, scarce water supply and depleted natural resources, using the best available technology, efficient crop and livestock management, better use of biology & chemistry, packaging, shipping and smart value addition that reinvigorates agriculture and agribusiness.

Our agriculture policy will ensure creation of value chains in crop and livestock sectors through modernization of markets. Good Agriculture Practices (GAP) will be introduced and tractability of agriculture products will open up export markets.

A special focus will be on development of quality Halal products to tap into the enormous resource of Halal animals and products that exist naturally in Pakistan.

PFM’s agriculture policy is designed to protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, manage forests, combat desertification and halt/reverse land degradation, and halt biodiversity loss with an aim to end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture for times to come.