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Our Goals

1. Pakistan Civil Service
Completely revamp examination system; focus on relevance and competence producing specialists rather than generalists.

2. Population Growth
To be brought under 1%.

3. Provision of Justice
System of monitoring the quantity and quality of judgments; increase in the number of Judges; strict laws for frivolous cases and false witnesses.

4. Rewriting of National Budget to make it meaningful
Restructuring of FBR; Tax collection 20% of GDP; debt servicing and repayment to be brought down to 20% of outlay; expensive foreign loans to be repaid.

5. Local Government
Immediate devolution down to the UC level; finance and police to be devolved to District level in the first phase.

6. Education & Skills Development
Revamping of curriculum to make it economically relevant; school infrastructure; school transport; teacher training; examination system; monitoring of quality and quantity; creating 2 million jobs every year

7. Health & Social Safety
1,000 Mobile Health Units to reinforce provision of primary health care service; Overall improvement in IMR & MMR; nutrition, food security and clean drinking water to bulk of the population; special focus on countering adulterated food and drugs.

8. Homeland Security
Professionalization of Police and overall improvement in Law & Order through community participation and devolution of power. Immediate implementation of National Action Plan in letter and spirit across the country; eradication of terrorism to be coupled with aggressive plans to provide economic activities and jobs in affected areas. Divide between “B” and “A” areas in Balochistan to be done away with, giving control to one law enforcement agency (i.e. police) to ensure unity of comand.

9. Housing
5 New Cities; development of “New Planned Mini-Towns” of between 2,000 – 4,000 homes in every Tehsil; 500,000 new homes for Low Income Segment (earning below tax limit).

10. Water & Power
Additional energy through indigenous hydro carbon and hydro resources; exploration of tight and shale gas and oil; local solutions for wind, solar, bio gas, bagasse and waste to energy; action to mitigate effects of climate change; gas supply from neighboring countries; affordable electricity; breakup of distribution companies in smaller units and franchising; completion of projects under the China Pak Economic Corridor.

11. Food & Agriculture
Double digit Agri Sector Growth; $15b Halal Products Export; 500% increase in Citrus Export; subsidized seed, inputs, implements, fetilizer; drip & sprinkler irrigation; BT Cotton, focus on high value crops of Grapes, Olives, Onion, Potato etc.; increase in processing of dairy products to 15%; elimination of powdered milk import.

12. Industry & Commerce
30 New Industrial Estates; focus on district specialty products; hand-holding of SMEs through provision of training, finance, infrastructure, logistics and marketing; Exports to exceed $50b; creation of 2 million new jobs.

13. Information Communication Technology
Harnessing and organizing the IT talent of Pakistan to focus towards innovation in this field by provision of venture capital and national marketing services. IT exports to increase to $10b.

14. Transport & Infrastructure
Immediate revamping of Pakistan Railways; new tracks to increase outreach; public private partnership in railways logistics; development of roads, dams, bridges throug public private partnership using adjoining lands for development of industrial clusters; completion of projects under the China Pak Economic Corridor.