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Policies Overseas Pakistanis

Pakistani expatriates, through their intellect and sheer hard-work, have carved a niche position in different countries of the world. While being the source of foreign exchange remittances vital for Pakistan’s economy, the overseas Pakistanis are goodwill ambassadors portraying the progressive reality and image of Pakistan.

Pakistan Freedom Movement (PFM) considers Overseas Pakistanis as an integral part of Pakistani population. We completely support the right of Overseas Pakistanis to vote to choose the leaders of Pakistan.

The Overseas Wings of PFM are designed to reflect the dynamic outlook of our core principle of REIn (Respect, Empower, Involve) applicable to our membership. We aim to respect our members by keeping in regular contact with them, we intend to empower our members to be able to decide the leadership of the party, and we wish to involve our members in determining the party’s direction.

Overseas Pakistanis shall have an equal merit based right as any ordinary citizen of Pakistan, to reach any level within the governance structure of the party including the office of the chairman. PFM defines an Overseas Pakistani as any individual in possession of a Pakistani passport or a National Identity Card for Overseas Pakistanis (NICOP).

The following policies and procedures shall be adopted for establishment and operations of Overseas Wings of PFM:

The PFM Governing Council shall accept requests (on standard form) from Overseas Pakistanis for appointment of President and Vice President to head party operations in corresponding countries. The PFM Governing Council shall consider the applications on merit and shall nominate (through notification) President and Vice President in a country. Merit shall be based on the applicant’s education, skills, experience, diversity of exposure in the Pakistani Diaspora, and positive personal repute.