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Commerce Trade & Industry

Pakistan Freedom Movement believes the role of government to be a facilitator so that the private sector can flourish under free market, and quality and prices are maintained through competition. To keep the public interest intact, independent regulators need to vigorously monitor the private sector in line with the given rules and regulations.

Pakistan’s labor is naturally blessed with skills that are specific from one place to another. These skills produce products that have organically evolved over centuries. To harness this incredible asset PFM shall handhold such individuals and small enterprises to organize them, and bring financial and marketing resources to their reach.

To provide organized infrastructure to Medium and Large industries, PFM shall undertake development of 30 industrial estates all over the country.

PFM’s plan also includes development of five new Intelligent Industrial Cities that will provide brand new infrastructure for industry, housing, health and education facilities. This much needed intervention will reduce pressure on our existing cities which are already bloating due to an increased rural to urban migration.

Private sector will be reinvigorated and reassured. The chambers of commerce all over the country shall be reorganized to ensure that best talent continues to be found and trained to provide future leadership to commerce and industry.

The above efforts will be linked with a goal of increasing exports, as a first step, to $50 billion. All commercial attaches around the world will be given time bound targets and their continuity shall be tied to performance and achievement of goals.