Terms & Conditions
I hereby confirm that I agree to abide by the constitution of Pakistan Freedom Movement and I declare that:
- I have not been convicted of any criminal offence in Pakistan or abroad
- I have not been declared in default by any financial institution in Pakistan or abroad
- I have not been and shall not be involved in any process that involves manipulation of votes through financial means
- I am sagacious, righteous, non-profligate, honest and ameen, and that there are no declarations to the contrary against me by a court of law
- I have not, after the establishment of Pakistan, worked against the integrity of the country or opposed the ideology of Pakistan
- I have not been convicted by a court of competent jurisdiction for propagating any opinion, or acting in any manner, prejudicial to the ideology of Pakistan, or the sovereignty, integrity or security of Pakistan, or the integrity or independence of the judiciary of Pakistan, or which defames or brings into ridicule the judiciary or the Armed Forces of Pakistan
- I have not been convicted of any offence involving moral turpitude
For successful candidates, a fee (MNA: Rs 20,000; MPA: Rs 10,000) shall be payable before issuance of the party ticket to Pakistan Freedom Movement via Bank Draft / Online Transfer.